School Resources

School Resources


Our resources are designed to promote the work of Edukid’s Global Citizenship Programme using the UN Sustainable Development Goals. They cater for primary and secondary Key Stages.

We explore sustainable models and approaches that address issues related to poverty, with particular emphasis on individual stories/case studies that illustrate breaking the cycle of poverty.

The programme also provides students with the opportunity to apply their learning in Edukid projects and to measure and evidence the outcome.

Use of these Resources

Use of these resources are limited to schools that have kindly agreed to support Edukid in some form. If your school would like to support children in our projects and link to communities and schools abroad please get in touch with us through the contact section of our site.


PSHE and tutor group resources are based on the UNCRC rights of a child and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

UN Sustainability goals – Schemes of work themed by the 17 sustainable development goals

UNCRC – Activities to promote the rights of a child.

The Resources

Resources are available to registered organisations on the SDG Resources pages:

Primary School Resources

Secondary School Resources

Edukid’s Global Citizenship and Character Development Programme

Study at a deeper Level

A series of short papers that focus on each UN Sustainable Development Goal to enable teachers and students to explore subjects at a deeper level.

Deeper thinking