£25 per month provides:
- A school pack containing school bag, uniform and study material for one child
- One hour’s supplementary education every day after school
- Supervision and monitoring of the programme both in country and externally
- You will receive annual reports, films and lesson plans and further teaching resources.
Click here to support a Cambodian student’s education today
£45 per month provides:
- A student scholarship to start university and to realise their dreams
- You will receive monthly reports direct from your student
Support a Cambodian student’s university education today
In Cambodia school is free, but thousands of children are still too poor to attend as they can’t afford the uniform, books and pens. Many schools are under resourced, meaning they have two sets of pupils – so children either attend school in the morning or in the afternoon. Consequently, even if a child can get the opportunity to go to school, their chances of changing the poverty that constrains them is limited.
In each village we select two local people capable of teaching others, and provide them with training and resources to enable them to give an extra one hour’s supplementary education to each child every day after school.
Once a year, each child is supplied with a “school pack” that contains what they need to attend school for the year. All the clothing is individually sized to fit them. We also provide university scholarships, and have helped children become qualified nurses, doctors, accountants etc. The following packages shows the difference you can make both to your school and Cambodian children/ schools. Did you know that according to UNICEF statistics every child in the developing world that receives a primary school education lives an average of 7 years longer? Of course education is a continuous process, and if we start supporting a child through school we need to carry on from year to year. For this reason we ask schools to commit to their sponsored child for a minimum of 5 years.